The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.
The elegant Teema Bowl Ø30cm was designed in the year 1952 by Kaj Franck for the Finnish label Iittala. The characteristically low-key design harmonises well with a many different bowls and dishes for the dining table, even by other brands. Let the design classic from the extensive Teema product line, which you will find in the "collection", bring a touch of Scandinavian flair to your dining table.
Use the Teema Bowl with a 2.5 liter volume capacity for serving salads, side dishes or hearty snacks. The straight-forward design is suited for every day use, but also looks stunning at special occasions and dinner parties and will delight your guests. The beautiful Teema Bowls, plates, dishes and cups wonderfully complement a festively decorated table.
The entire Teema tableware collection is dishwasher and microwave-safe, as well as ovenproof and freezer-safe.
The practical design by label iittala delights us with variety and versatility - in the "similar products" you will find matching tableware highlights by other famous brands and manufacturers!
The product is in stock and usually ready for dispatch within 24 hours. The dispatch time for parcels within Germany is 1-3 working days, for forwarding goods 5-7 working days. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly. If you wish to order more than the quantity in stock, please note that the corresponding quantity must be ordered from the manufacturer and the delivery time may be longer.