The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 2-4 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.
The Bauhaus Teapot has been created by Marianne Brandt for the brand Tecnolumen. Designed in 1924, it is one of the most beloved representations of the Bauhaus design movement that idealised combining art and functionality. This piece follows the formal principles of the Bauhaus school, using the circle, globe and square as the basic forms of construction. It is a rare piece that could only be found in selected art museums before the brand acquired production rights.
The Bauhaus Teapot is made of sterling silver with ebony detailing. It has been polished to give it an elegant gleam. The pot has a body that is round and a similarly shaped opening at the top where the infuser goes in. It is bucket-shaped with a handle for ease of use. A handle made of the same metal and dark-coloured ebony is used to open and close it. A crescent-shaped handle that also matches the kettle and has a dark accent is used to lift and carry it. The spout on the side adds to the play of shapes. It tapers from the body towards the round opening. The kettle is supported by a base that is just as intricate. It is made of metal bars that are attached to form the shape of a cross.
The Bauhaus Teapot has a width of 22.5cm and a height of 17.5cm. It comes in silver with dark accents.
The product is not in stock and is ordered from the manufacturer. The manufacturer's standard delivery time is 2-4 weeks. Shipping from our warehouse to delivery within Germany currently takes an additional 1-3 working days and 5-7 working days for forwarding deliveries. For deliveries abroad, the dispatch time is extended accordingly.